Page 8 - Minnesota Protokolü
P. 8


           !|ukukçu!al:  Thomas  Johnson,  Penny  Parkeı  Robert  P 5ands,  Gregory  sands,
           Prof€sör  David  Weissbrodt,  Minesota  Üniversitesi  Hukuk  Fakültesi.
            sivil  ToDlun  Örgütleri  : B1rboro  Frey,  Müdür,  Minnesoto  Lowers lntemotionaL
           Hunon Rights committee, sonio  Rosen,  Avukot"  Minnesota  Lovvyers  lnternotio,
           nol Hufuan  Rights comfuittee,  Morie  gibus,Jonet   Gruschow,  Sajence  ond Humon
            Rights Progron,  Americon  A\sociation  for  the Advoncenent  of science;
           Diğer lJ.monlor  : Eric stover, scienae ond Humon  Rights  Progrln,Anericon  Asso,

           ciotion  for  the Advoncenent  oI scien.e,  Dr John J.Fitzpotrick,  Başkon, Division  of
            Trouna  Rodiology,  cook  county Ho1pitol,  chicogo,  DL Koren  Roney Burns,crime
           Lob  scientist,  Divi\ion  of Foren|ic  sciences,  Georgio  Bureou  oJ lnvestigotion,  De-

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