Page 5 - Diyarbakır Barosu İstanbul Protokolü
P. 5


               lşkence  ve  Diğer  zatimane,  Insantık  Dl§l.Aşağıtaylcl  Muamele  Veya  cezalann
                    Etkin 8i(imde  soluştıJrutmasl  Ve BeLgelendilitmesi  için Kltavuzu
                                      lstanbut  F'fotokotü
             9 Ağırstos  1999  tarihinde  Birl,eşmiş  MittetLer  lnsan  Haktan  Yüksek  Komisefliği'ne
                                    KATlLlMcl  KURULUşLAR
                            Action  for  Torture  sunviYors  (HRFT),  cenevre
                                 Amnesty  lnternationat,  Londra
                          Association  forthe  Prevention  of Todurc,cenevre
                          Behandtun9szentrum  für  FoLtelopfel  Bertin, Bedin
                                Bf itish  l"1edicat  Association,  Londla
                             center  for  Victims  ofTortu,e,  MinneapoLis
               center  for ttıe study of society  and l,'edicine,  cotumbia  llniveEity,  NewYolk
                                   s"syai  Bltlmtel  Ensİilüsü,ln5an  Haklall  Fetsefesi  Ye
                              Uyqır[ama  ve Aüdştlüma  İ"telkezi,Ankaİa
                             cent;  G,Devereux,  University  of Paris,  Pari5
                                         A9a  in5t  Torture,  cenevre
                                'ommitt€€  MedicatAssociation,Kopenhag
             n.^,  d menl of Fofenric  Med  iLine  and  toxiCotogy,  U niveİsity  of  (olombo,  c!tombo
             ""'   'D;;;;;;aü;,;",s,ies,   Tıp Faı<uıtesı  rıooı  Ftih  AnabltlİYı  0atl,  lzmil
                   --'-- -i,,-  co."nn,  Mentat  Health  Pİoq  İamme,  Ga,z  le
                                   German  Medica  t Association
                              fürkiye  ln5an  Haktan  Vakfl  (riHV),Ankara
                                  Human  Rig hts watch,  New York
                          lndian  Medicat  Asso;iation  and the  lRcT, Yeni  Dethi
                                lndochinese  Psychiatf  ic clinic,  Boston
                     lnstitute  fol6tobaL  studies,  Univefsity  of M innesota,  M inneapoli5
                                 ı"tino"ln"ricano  de  5atud  Mentat,  santia9o
                               lnterAmerican   ln5titute  of Human  Ri9hts
                            Eogram  for the  P,evention  ofTortu,e,San  Jose
                           lntef;ationaL  committ€e  of the Red  C,oss,(enevre
               ınt"rnatlonaı  ıeae,"tıon  of  Heatth  and  Human  Ri9hts  orcanizatıons,Amsterdam
                                lohannes  wier  Foundation,Amsterdam
                            Lawyers  commi$ee  for Human  Ri9ht5,  NewYolk
                       ı"ıeaiciço'unaation  tor tte care ofvictims  ofTorturc,  Londla
                              Physiclans  for Human  Ri9hts-lsraet,Tet   Aviv
                             Phy;icians  fol Human  Ri9hts-Pateçtine,   t itistin
                               Physicians  fol  Human  R ightç,UsA,  8oston
                                  ldt  Tlp Uzmantan  Derneği,  lstanbu  t
                                 survivors  lnternational,san   Franci5co
                       Tıauma Centre  foı 5urvivors  ofViotence  and  Tofture,  cape  Town
                                     TürkTabipt€r]   Birtiği,  Ankara
                           United  Nation5  speciat  Rapporteırf  on Torture,  cenevre
                               wortd  MedicaL  Association,  Femey-Voltaire

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